Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Storks have left

There are many ways to note that summer is coming to a close but for me this year it's been to observe that the storks are gone. For the last three weeks they have been restless, flying around most of the day. I was noting how those "little" babies were not so little anymore and they all seemed to be practicing for the long journey south towards Northern Africa for the winter.

The end of the summer also means that school is about to begin again and many teachers, adminstrators and other workers are back getting things ready. Here in Tilza the kids also take part in getting things ready. Each student has to work at the school for several days each summer. Not sure what all they do have observed kids cleaning, digging in the flower beds, and generally making things look nice.
I am looking forward to the Fall as it will be time to start language class again. I have learned lots over the summer but am still finding it hard to understand when someone is speaking to me and asks questions. Please pray that I will have "ears to hear"!!