First Greetings
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Hello to family and friends! Since leaving Corvallis I have spent the last two and half weeks in Germany on a very relaxing vacation which included Christmas, birthday, and New Year’s celebrations. My hosts have been Ilona and Wolfgang Roloff who live in Munchengladbach in the northeastern part of the country and also have an apartment in the Black Forrest where we stayed for 10 days. Haven’t had the snow I was expecting – and in fact, it’s been rather rainy (not unlike Corvallis weather) so we have been inside a lot.

It has been fun to catch up with Ilona who stayed with our family for a year when I was a freshman in college. She and her family (grown sons Jens and Nils) have often been to the States for visits and we (all 5 of our family) have been here now and then. In 2005, Ilona and Wolfgang came to Corvallis to visit Mom about 5 months before she died. She recognized them and they had a good but quick visit.

I fly tomorrow morning (January 8th) to Riga and will spend a week there before heading to Tilza.

Blessings to all,
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