Mission Days-January 10-12, 2008
Latvia’s third annual Mission Days took place the second week of January at the Agenksalns Baptist Church in Riga. Some 200 attended, most younger than 25, representing Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, Reformed, Catholic and Adventist churches. The theme, “Blessed to be a Blessing” was taken from Genesis 12 where God clearly shows his heart for the nations.

I had the opportunity to explain our "prayer room" for the Mission Days conference. Even though the room in the tower of Agenskalns Baptist church was quite cold, one could look out over the city of Riga and pray for those who are yet to know Jesus. Also, on the walls of the room were reminders to pray for people groups around the world. Individual prayer requests were brought to the table in the room and any who came in could also pray for those. It was a very encouraging experience for me.
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