Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hair Update!

There's not really much significance in a hair do. Sometimes you like them, sometimes you don't. Somtimes other people like them, sometimes they don't. But I thought since so many people made comments from my last prayer letter about my most recent "do" that I would give a bit more information - and a couple more pictures!

The latest

I was born with straight hair and there was a time (in the 60's) when that was very good - long and straight. I was a teenager and kept it that way into my 20s. As I entered my 30s the hair got shorter and I would have a "body perm" to give it a fuller look. Through all these years I have never liked spending time "fixing" my hair - it was always such a bother.

My attempts

Then some time in my late 30s I found that I could get a real tight perm and leave it if I didn't want to spend time every morning trying to make it look 'just right'. So, from that time on (with two exceptions) I have kept my hair that way.


When I arrived in Latvia I wasn't sure if I could get it permed tight enough to keep it like I wanted but I did find someome who could to it in Riga. This last time, however, my regular lady was not there so I had someone else do it. As I said in my letter, I tried to tell her what I wanted but she spoke Russian and I can barely speak Latvian, let alone Russian. So she decided to just cut it nice and short. Now, don't get me wrong. I LIKED they way it looked when she finished - but even she had to spend more than an hour
combing, brushing, back combing, putting on a lot of mousse and hair spray to get it "just so". And I knew that I would never be able to do that again.

Now, if it were just a matter of time, effort, and ability, I suppose I could change my ways. But the real problem these days is that when I need to curl my hair or use the hair dryer my thumb hurts too much (still). So, now it isn't just a matter of liking my hair or not, I NEED to get it curly again to save time, energy, and keep my thumb happy. And, last of all, it's a lot better when you can't wash your hair every day - curliness hides a lot of things!