Prayer Days: Forgiveness
Any time set aside for prayer and worship is valuable and last week's time away to be renewed, to learn, and to reflect was no exception. We heard some excellent teaching about the need for forgiveness and had time in small groups and alone to reflect and go deeper with the Lord in this area that is so vital to the vibrant Christian Life.
Our times of worshiping the Lord through music and art were also especially meaningful and were such excelle
nt ways to express our joy to the Lord.
Checking in for the three days are Bridge Builders missionaries, Dan Roth and Marvin Pittman. Vineta Zale (L) and the other Partners' office staff organized and made sure everything went well at this retreat.
We had the opportunity to experience a Prayer Labarynth, enjoy times of meeting new folks or renewing friendships, and take walks to the beach on the Baltic Sea.
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