Monday, May 31, 2010

Time Flies!!

I always seem to wait too long before updating this blog. Now many things have happened so I will tell about only a few. (Pictures to be added in a day or so)

Prayer Days (April 26-28) - Each year in the Spring Bridge Builders/Partneri sponsors a retreat for Pastors, church leaders, and missionaries. This has been a good time to focus on our relationship with the Lord - and this year was no exception. We have had some good speakers to help direct our thoughts and the music teams help guide our expressions of adoration through songs. Also a favorite for me is making connections with old and new friends!

It is not uncommon for us to have many visitor out here in Tilza. Recently we had a couple from Norway who wanted to know more about our ministry. We thoroughly enjoyed our 6 days with them. (Pictured is Hanne Marie bringing us several songs during worship on Sunday.) Then an American couple from Greater Europe Mission came for two days to meet with Wes and Mo Blackmon. This couple is from the Portland area and have the responsibility of what's they called Missionary Care. They meet with each of their missionaries to encourage and help in any way possible. Then we had Mareks and Aija, a Gpysy pastor and his Latvian wife who came out to help present a program for the boarding school kids. They also brought another couple with their young son. (Picture below shows kids after the boarding school event.)

Last Days for Boarding School kids
We had our last good-bye events for the boarding school kids. The older ones went with us on a Saturday to a lake for an afternoon of fun. The younger kids enjoyed some games and special activities after church last Sunday. We will miss these kids over the summer but look forward to being a part of their lives again in the Fall.

Now we are preparing for an English Camp which will take place in July. Just like last summer we hope to incorporate some of the boarding school kids who can come, along with kids from Tilza and the surrounding areas. A team of college students from California will be with us to teach the English classes using the Narnia story as a basis for the lessons.

I met these two ladies in Balvi. They have just opened a small cafe and when I went to have lunch they were so warm and encouraging. They offered to just give me this pizza!