Sunday, February 17, 2008

Second Latvian Class Begins-January 23

I am now taking the second "term" of our Latvian class here in Tilza. We also have three folks coming out from Riga each week. the schedule is the same as last Fall. We have class on Wed, Thurs, Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We have been doing some review and some new material but no matter what it is, Katie seems to come up with creative ways to present the information and for us to practice. This time I am using these materials when I meet with my language helper, Kristine, and sometimes when I go visit my neighbor, Inguta.

I need a lot of practice listening to people talk. We do have some listening drills during class but I also try more and to understand what Kaspars is saying during the sermon on Sundays and I try not to "tune out" when others are speaking Latvian with each other. We also got our TV hooked up so now I can also listen to the news which is quite helpful.