Wednesday, September 01, 2010


With the help of Aija and Liga and my neighbor, I have been able to paint and re-wallpaper my bedroom. They did all the work and I had the ideas!! Taking off the old paper (three layers!) was quite a project itself. I was able to do that part but it took a long time and then I got into spakling all the cracks. Such fun.
Have ordered a new shade for the window and will figure out some other window treatment that should add some color.
As you probably can see from the pictures, there is a pipe running near the ceiling (at one time it was used for heating) and there is also one near the floor with a radiator under the window. What a job to get this all covered so that it looks nice. They did a great job and I am so happy now. It looks so nice that Liga offered to trade rooms with me.... Then she decided to fix her room, too.
Summer is just about over for us so we haven't much time to finish this project.
