The Past Few Days
Day 6, Thursday, January 18, 2007
My throat was sore all night – sucked on some lozenges and drank water but felt rather tired this morning. Instead of going with Liga and Aija to the kindergarten classes in Tilza and Vectilza, I stayed home and worked on language learning, put the words for things on the objects in the kitchen, and practiced saying them. Washed another load of laundry this morning and since I kept the fire going, most of the things got dry by this evening. Kept drinking tea and water today and taking Tylenol.
Liga came home about noon and later fixed lunch – rice with a mushroom sauce and salad (tomatoes and cucumbers).
Scouted around the front porch today and found some items that we can use – old paper for starting fires, a small box for my drawer to organize things, a bit larger box for the small pieces of wood I brought it to help start fires and some larger pieces, did a bit of chopping to see if I could make some slivers for fire starters.
Dave came over and brought me an old desk that wasn’t being used in the Yellow House – he cleaned it up a bit first. It works perfectly for what I need. A good place to store papers inside. A nice space for the computer and a light on the top. The cord situation isn’t perfect but maybe I can find a way to cover it up so I don’t trip or have to keep moving it each night before bed.
We girls, including Katie, met at our place for prayer in the evening. I will look forward to these weekly prayer times with the women on our team.
Am having a hard time keeping the cat out of my room again tonight so closed the door but that also keeps most of the heat out too.
Day 7 (Friday, January 19, 2007)
Got our first real snow -- a couple of inches -- during the night and it’s rather windy this morning, but a lot melted during the day and now we have ice. Makes it hard to walk. I walked to the store by 8:00 to get a few important items that we needed. Still not feeling very well – coughing, which I think is my allergy-induced asthma, so I started using my inhaler.

Katie got me hooked up on their internet (Latnet). We also got our phone working. Spent a good deal of time with Katie helping to prepare for the company we are having this weekend. Five of Dave’s friends from Scotland and 5 guys from Christmas Valley will all be here. I helped Dave put sheets, blankets, pillows, and towels in all the rooms we needed and then just had to come home. I’m really needing to get some sleep.
Now have a child’s tape recorder that Aija and Liga helped put a few sentences on so that I could start my learning program a little more efficiently. It was really funny listening to them try to use such an odd recorder but they finally figured it out and got the sentences on several times.
Day 8 (Saturday, January 20)
Couldn’t sleep much so when I got up about 3:00am I decided to see if Katie’s email would work with our phone since it is now hooked up, and it did. We will be charged for the phone call from here to wherever the Latnet office is. We will just have to pay by the minute which I guess can be expensive.
Worked a little more this morning on language. After the girls left I bundled up and went to the post office and several stores to practice what I had been learning. Right now I can say “Hi, my name is Paula. I am learning the Latvian language. I will live in Tilza for two months and I want to meet all the people.” On the way to the post office I asked two young boys where it (the post office) was and one gave me some instructions which I didn’t really understand but I did recognize something about ‘cars in front’ so I thanked him and went along. I actually knew where it was but wanted to talk to someone. It was cold and snowy again so not many people out on the street.
I was able to use part of my “spiel” at the post office (where four ladies were present). I started with my name and that I would be in Tilza for two months. The first lady said she knew that and did I want my mail at the church. I said no, I am living on Brivibas Street # 46. She said something like “OK”. Then I said my bit about wanting to meet everybody and they each responded by giving me their names. It was such a fun and friendly conversation. And I did buy two stamps. Had a few other conversations on the way home.
After lunch at home I went to Katie’s to see if I could help her with dinner for the crowd in the evening. We didn’t know exactly how many to prepare for. I really was feeling poorly but knew that I needed to keep going. Inita came by and we spent some time talking and working for the dinner. When we started taking food over I met everyone. Sorry that I didn’t take my camera with me. After dinner I got some advice about how to take care of myself and Dan ended up bringing me home.
Aija’s friend, Mara (from Balvi), was here and I thought I recognized her. She was in my group during 2002 camp! She speaks English well and we caught up a bit. I was too tired to talk much.
Day 9 (Sunday, January 21, 2007)
Slept well last night. I was thinking that I would just stay home and rest today. But once I got up I realized that I felt quite well – except that it seems I have a cold.
Aija, Liga, and Mara went on to church earlier than me. It took some time for the church to be prepared for service. The building was warm thanks to Calle’s work this past week – and late last night – in getting the wires redone. Not sure what all that entails but I am really grateful for his abilities and willingness to help. Praise the Lord for gifted people.

By the time everyone was there we had 27 adults and 5 children. We were about half and half English and Latvian speaking – with some who could do both. The worship was good, and we sensed a blessing from all being together.
After church we all went to the Yellow House for lunch. Only two of the girls left and one other young guy came over. So, we served about 30 including children! What a good time we had. Earlier we had thought Sunday School would have to be cancelled because the kids from the Boarding School couldn’t come, but at the last minute it was on again. So, while that was taking place, the Christmas Valley guys helped me do the dishes then they went for a walk, the Scottish folks went to observe Sunday School, Kaspars took care of his kids, Katie and I talked with Melanija, Biruta and Pavils who were waiting for a ride back to Balvi. When Sunday School was over Kaspars took the Balvi people home. Dave took his friends to Riga to catch the plane. The girls had gone home after teaching Sunday School. After Dan arrived home from preaching in Madona he brought me back to my house. Then I went over to Maija’s. David Baker and 3 Christmas Valleu guys were there. When they left, I stayed briefly to finish my tea with Maija and Jolanta. Maija said she hadn’t been feeling well for the last three days. Inita had come over to our place so we visited awhile. She is going back to Riga in the morning.
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