Life in Corvallis

These last three weeks have gone by very quickly. I am adjusting some to the Corvallis lifestyle but most of my thoughts are about what I need to take with me next time, how people in Tilza are doing, what will I be able to help with when I return, etc.
Most days involve going through boxes and dividing everything into piles: 'throw away', 'give away', f'or the garage sale '(May 4-5), and, 'pack in a suitcase'. Another time-consuming activity is learning how to really use my computer and it's gadgets. Now I am able to post these notes to my blog - but many thanks go to Mark Edwards who did all the posting while I was in Latvia. Have learned a bit about itunes and ipods, webcams, Skype, Excel spreadsheets, and other helpful tools.
Am also wanting to see people as much as possible - mostly so that everyone can ask the questions they most want to know the answers to. I hope to continue some in learning Latvian - there are some Latvian speaking folks in Corvallis, I understand. And am doing as much as possible to finish the application process for my residence permit.
Here is a picture of some young friends. They like Mexican food as much as I do!
Would love to see as many people as possible while I am here.
Give me a call if you want to schedule something.
Upcoming dates
May 4-5 Gararage Sale
May 7-19 Trip to California to see my family
June 2 Friends' wedding in Christmas Valley
June 27 Fly back to Latvia
Today is Easter Sunday! Am hoping - and praying, that all of you are experiencing the joy of Resurrection Life! Blessings to all.
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