Week 3
Thursday I spent most of the day at home – quite reluctant to go outside because it’s so icy. Washed clothes, cleaned and kept the fire going. The girls went to do other things. In the evening Liene, Katie (and baby Esther) came over to join us for prayer. We prayed, talked, and prayed more for about two hours. I was responsible for leading the group this time and I enjoyed breaking things up a bit (I could understand more) by taking it in sections – Praise, Thanksgiving, confession, and requests.
Friday Dave drove me to Riga in the morning. We left about 8:00 and arrived at the Partners Office about 11:00 which was really good time.
I went with Vineta to the immigration office so I could turn in the papers with my invitation from the Baptist Union, starting the process of getting my permanent resident permit. The woman told us that we couldn’t turn it in because the Baptist Union had not turned in the right paper from the tax office stating that they didn’t owe any taxes. Oh the joys of bureaucracy. Now I will have to try again next week. In the mean time Vineta called Solveiga and they will see what they can do first thing next week.
The second thing I really needed to do while in Riga was to order a piece of glass for our stove. The shop is not really far but I needed someone to go with me and it didn’t work for Dave to come over and take me and no one else was available to go with on the bus. So, didn’t even get that much done.
Everyone went home and I stayed over night at the office again. Couldn’t really get the computer to receive emails there either so am really not sure what the problem is.
When I woke up it had snowed which made the room quite bright even with no lights on. So, the trip home in the snow took about and hour or so longer than the trip in. Aija A came with us and we had a nice conversation. Really appreciate all of Dave’s driving. He says he loves going to Riga so it’s no bother but I still appreciate it.

We got back just in time for the outreach event for the Vectilza people. I think we had over 30 people many of whom were kids. The games, songs, introductions, etc. seem to make everyone feel comfortable. The meal was good – and lots of it – which I think the folks appreciated. Things got a little hectic and crazy in the Yellow House after dinner but not terribly unexpected. I’m hoping the adults felt comfortable and glad to be there. I know the kids ended up having a great time. It seems that Liene and Kaspars are very happy about how it went.

Sunday: I left early (9:00) to walk to church and made it there in 30 minutes. Guess I am finally getting into this walking. The day was beautiful. It was snowing some but not too windy. It wasn’t quite as slippery and I was able to find that one of my pairs of shoes works rather well in the snow.

There were only 9 of us at church this morning but I was very happy that most were Latvians – from Tilza. It was great to see a couple of girls (Elina & Laine) who haven’t been to church much lately. Elina talked about wanting to be a lawyer when she finishes school and wants to live in Riga. But I can understand. She’s in 9th class now! She also told me that she likes to go bowling! So I told her that maybe we should build a bowling alley in Tilza!! One of the guys from the boarding school came also this morning. Apparently Lolita is his “teacher” or housemother and she told him when the church service was so he came! Dave chatted with him a good bit. He is the one who received Christ last Sunday. Katie also told me he came by to visit yesterday and to get some materials to read about Jesus.
After lunch I went to visit Lolita and the girls. Had a very good visit. Lolita said she would come to church next week. I really will be praying that she does. She talked about having me come over for a meal so I said we would invite them too.
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