Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 6

Well, this week started off great. Nineteen people were in church today (see pictures of some of the folks). Five young children (under 5 years old) were also there but they didn’t pay too much attention!! We had an excellent time of worship, Kaspars did a great job of teaching and there was a wonderful sense of the Spirit moving. After the service we had the Annual Meeting – where communion was celebrated and all business discussed. With a unanimous vote, it was agreed that I could be a member of Tilza Baptist Church!



Much planning a preparation for the Calvin group which will arrive in Riga on Friday. Kaspars and I will go pick them up. But we have three other things to do first. We will meet with Inita for lunch, go pick up the glass for our stove, and get Marsha so that we can all go to the airport.
One of our trips to Ergli: Left to right Aija, me, Liene