Nancy Kelley comes to visit

During the second week of language classes Nancy Kelley came out to Tilza for a visit. She was able to get a ride with the students from Riga and got to know a bit more about them on the 4-hr drive out here - and then back!
I was really looking forward to spending some time with Nancy
and was delighfully encouraged by her cheerful and careful
listening skills. Our time of prayer together brought brought
much calm assurance of the Lord's working in my life and the ministry here.
Nancy also blessed me by taking the material I had over the window and made it into curtains!! She is quite good at this sort of thing and very fast.
She even offered to make a few additions to the curtains in the Yellow House and so took those back to Riga with her to finish the project there.
As a special blessing (for her and us), Nancy participated in the Latvian classes with us.
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