Latvia is now home...
June 30th
Dear Friends and Family,
Well, I am back in Latvia - and have my residence permit! (See picture). As many of you know by now, the flights here were great - even though I was very tired. All my luggage and boxes arrived with me - and in good condition, I think. Haven't opened the boxes yet. Will wait till I get home in Tilza. Everythi
ng with the permit
went so well - it took less than 2 hours. But the process was moved along by Vineta Zale from the Partners Office who helped me with everything. It would be hard to know how I could get along without her help. Throughout this move she has been such a blessing to me. In one of my earliest postings back in January, you may have seen that Vineta is the one who found and took me to a dentist when one of my gold crowns fell off.
Another Partners Office friend, Estere, invited me to her home last night for dinner. It was fun to meet her two girls and see the home that she and her husband, Roberts, are fixing up. It's one that has belonged to her family for a long time which was a great story. We took the
tram out to the area where she lives then walked a short distance through a beautiful wooded, park-like area that was very peaceful. Here are some pictures I took on the way.
Today I head out to Tilza!
Thank you all for your many prayers and expressions of love. I miss you already but am looking forward to what the future holds - because I know Who Holds the Future!
Love, Paula