Thursday, March 17, 2011


Pictured below are the three young girls who have started meeting with me (and Līga translating) to learn more from the Word of God about living the way God wants. These girls are so much fun and we are hoping to go on an excursion in a few weeks to help build our relationships. Please pray that they (Rebeka, Alise, and Kristine) will become young women who love Jesus and commit to following Him.

This month it was my turn to teach the class on Prayer for our ladies groups in Tilža and Balvi. As we were talking about what kinds of things for which we can pray, I mentioned that many of you are praying for them as they take this class and build on their knowledge and love for Jesus.

What you can't see in these pictures is Līga who is translating for me.
Without her I couldn't be nearly so involved in the ministry here.

These ladies are from the Balvi class and this last week 16 ladies showed up. What a joy to see their interest.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

From Boarding School to Nursing Home

Our February "one day camp" included a trip to the "pansionats" or nursing home. Our kids used their creative skills to make posters relating to Psalm 139 which were used during our presentation for the approximately 30 residents who came to listen. We had invited some youth from another church to join us and lead the singing. Most of these kids had not been to the pansionats in their city so it was a first for many people. We had explained that it is good to give to others even when we don't have a lot. After our presentation we divided into three groups and went upstairs to visit in the rooms of those who couldn't get out of bed. We gave each of these folks a gift of some muffins which we had made earlier, some fruit and candy. We prayed with those who wanted that and enjoyed talking with others.
Here are two of the boys who went with us. In this picture they are helping in the kitchen with preparations for lunch.