Sunday, May 31, 2009


Most recently we we have been delighted that some of the youth from the board school have joined us for worship. One Sunday we had 32 people (our normal is about 15 or so), and the following Sunday we were 42!! This number included 17 from the boarding school, three neighbors who usually don't come, and several members who have not been around for awhile. The kids from the boarding school have been helping to lead worship and read the scriptures. It is great to see how open to the Lord they are. Some of these same kids will likely be able to come this summer when our Calvin team comes to Tilza for Adventure Camp.

Pictured at left is Maureen (in the middle). She and her husband, Wes, have joined our team. They originally came out to Tilza because Wes was working on learning Latvian and we had the best place to do that.

Wes and I are still having class three mornings a week and for both of us progress is still pretty slow. But my roommate, Liga, is a patient teacher. Most every day now, we try to read from the Bible and we are finding that it helps alot.


One day my young friend, Janis, who lives in Riga, brought me six cans of Dr. Pepper. He had heard me say that it's one thing I miss when I'm in Latvia. I hadn't seen it in any of the stores but he found some and brought it out to Tilza for me.

A week later we had a contest and he said if I win he will bring me some more Dr. Pepper, but if he wins, I would let him drive my car. He won!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Singing at the Pensionat

Shortly after I returned to Tilza, our team and some of the kids from the Internat Skola(boarding school) went to the Balvi Pensioners' Home where we sang, prayed, and gave a Bible message. As is usual for me, I tried to speak with some of the folks there and did get some information about them. But I couldn't understand one lady and I thought her friend said she only spoke Russian so I called Dan over and asked him to talk with her. It turns out that she didn't speak Russian but was using Latgalian (a Latvian dialect) instead!!
In the top picture is Pastor Mihaels and his wife Vonda from the Balvi Baptist Church singing a song in Russian. The middle picture shows our team preparing to sing Blessed Assurance in Latvian, Russian, and English!! Below are some of the residents at the Pensionat.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Prayer Days: Forgiveness

The hotel where Prayer Days was held.

Any time set aside for prayer and worship is valuable and last week's time away to be renewed, to learn, and to reflect was no exception. We heard some excellent teaching about the need for forgiveness and had time in small groups and alone to reflect and go deeper with the Lord in this area that is so vital to the vibrant Christian Life.

Our times of worshiping the Lord through music and art were also especially meaningful and were such excellent ways to express our joy to the Lord.
Checking in for the three days are Bridge Builders missionaries, Dan Roth and Marvin Pittman. Vineta Zale (L) and the other Partners' office staff organized and made sure everything went well at this retreat.
We had the opportunity to experience a Prayer Labarynth, enjoy times of meeting new folks or renewing friendships, and take walks to the beach on the Baltic Sea.